Saturday, December 5, 2009

I got two tickets tonight...?

one for "dirver's view obstructed" and one for "operating without insurance" but the thing is it's was my step dad's car and he has like 3 air freshners on the mirror so the cop got me there and i couldn't find the proof of insurance thing. i've been pulled over before and they have never asked me for the insurance thing. will this effect my insurance at all. oh and these are my first tickets ever so i'm not sure what i sould do about it.

I got two tickets tonight...?tickets

You can probably talk to the judge and show him the insurance. Given that no sane person would expect you to remove the air-fresheners in your fathers car, he might drop them both rather than fine your father. It would help if dad took responsibility for the air fresheners.

I got two tickets tonight...?ballet opera theater

Go to court, bring proof of insurance with you, Did officer have any reason to pull you over??? If he did not, then, you rightfully can plea not guilty to both tickets, and should win. BRING PROOF OF INSURANCE WITH YOU TO COURT, and EXPLAIN TO THE JUDGE. No, it should not effect your insurance rates either way, as neither of these were moving violations

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