Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ways around speeding tickets?

I have 3 tickets for speeding. went to traffic school twice and just got another one.... anyway to beat it? Or what can i do other then pray"

Ways around speeding tickets?performing arts show

Dumb driver school didn't help. Maybe you need a hefty fine, a raise in your insurance rates and a 1- year suspension on your license to learn how to read a speed limit sign and a speedometer. The numbers are supposed to match.

Ways around speeding tickets?opera cd opera theater

Since you have already done traffic school unless you want to hire a lawyer and fight it there is nothing you can do except hope they don't suspend your license.
Slow the f**k down and go the speed lemit.
Other than to stop speeding, I think you are pretty much out of luck since it is your third strike and you have already been to traffic school twice, the real question you should be asking yourself or someone at the court house, is if they are going to let you keep you license at this point in time or even if you could be looking at jail time. I know Va has cracked down on speeders to a high degree and jail time is one of their options. Other than that you may want to play the "my speedometer is off card, which sometimes works but it means your going to have to go to a auto shop and have someone calibrate your speedometer which can cost about the same thing, at any rate good luck.

It's supposedly good. I don't really know though. Might not be helpful if you aren't in Aus though.
Honestly, slow down man......I know that tomorrow aint promised to you but dang don't speed your way through life you might miss an important turn or miss the law hiding waiting for someone like you to harass, be easy man I know life is too short but it is too important also to speed through it..ya feel me
Other than praying, contact a traffic ticket attorney. They can usually get em cancelled.
Try obeying the speed limit you dumb@ss. Stop your wining and learn how to drive. There's nothing to beat when you follow the rules. It 's cheaper also.
hire a lawyer. make sure he/she is known in your judicial county court with respect. it will cost you. but your best bet is to use the cruise control on your car. 4 miles over, only. show some restraint. leave early for your appt's. good luck to you.
Anyway to beat a third speeding ticket??? Hmmm????? How about pay the fine and obey the speed limit..

Oh yeah!! Enjoy the higher insurance premiums comming your way.
45,000 a year killed on the roads - and you have "traffic ticket lawyers?? - its no wonder that America is the most litigious country in the world.
This depends on where you live. In the USA you have the right to a fair trial so you could go to court to fight the violation if you honestly believe you did not break the law. You could win just by the officer who issued the ticket not showing up and the ticket is dropped but the likelihood of the officer not showing up is a coin toss.
Well, you need to post the bond and plead not guilty. The clerk will set you a court date. 2 days prior to the date call with a really good excuse, and ask for a postponement. Normally they will.

Do this again. In most all districts, the officer is required to show up twice, so on the 3rd court date, he is likely not to be there. If he is not there, the judge will have to dismiss the ticket. He may make you wait all day, to give the cop a chance to show, but at the end of the day, if no cop, then he must dismiss the ticket. You will have to pay court costs, but it is better than points on your license, and insurance rates skyrocketing.Good Luck.

PS- I worked in a law firm, and that is how they did it all the time, even on criminal charges.
Learn how to drive safely. Also think about your speed.The speed limits are set up for your safety.Best of luck.
Well Robert, one thing i can suggest you is visit this site:

Speeding Fines 鈥?What you really need to know is 65 page book released into the Australian market details everything you need to know about speed detection, speeding fines, speed cameras and their associated laws and exactly how to use this information to your benefit.

I personally benefited from it. You can try it too.

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